Friday, June 17, 2005

I had to leave my new format yesterday after I found that offending article.
Today I will continue with my regular blog format. Do not worry I will keep you
posted on the Disney debacle.


Now much going on, I missed the Theory of a Deadman concert. Lately I have
just been listening to the new album Karma and Effect from Seether. It is a
really good CD you should defiantly buy it.

News / Celebrity Crap:

I have done many hours of searching on the breast reeducation that Disney
has given Lindsay Lohan. Everything is pretty much the same and the celebrity
media seems to find nothing wrong with this. In fact Lohan is ok with it. I
find it disturbing though and it makes me question just what kind society are
we leaving in when a big beautiful breasts are scorned and ridiculed. It is
disgraceful! This scandal is not just on one actress. I also read a report
that Angilina Jolie also had this kind of treatment in her newest movie Mr.
and Mrs. Smith. Apparently when she was sliding down a pole a boob was bouncing
around. Well guess what that are what boobs do, but then again the computer
digital geeks show no backbone and flattened it up. Now I like Sci-Fi and fantasy
as much as the next guy, but let us not get to carried away. As a society are
we saying Hey breast are great as long as they are not to big and do not move.

Katie Holmes decided to marry her father today! I meant Tom Cruise sorry.
With this news I have decided to do an investigative series on dangerous cults,
Scientology and the Free Masons. More information coming soon!

Do you need your own mini me but just for a few hours because you really do not
want the responsibility of having to feed and clean up after it?


I received a request to link to Paric Hiltons Carls Jr. Commercial.

I Love Paris in the (fill in the blank)!

This link is for Ray and Shane who wanted the ultra sexy version. Your Welcome!

Ultra Sexy Version

Also here are some wallpapers I have made. Just click the picture link the
right click the big picture and set as wallpaper. Enjoy!


Batman Begins ummm, began this week.


Beauty and the Geek: I meant to write this yesterday and got distracted. This
was the second time I watched this show and it was funny as last weeks. Granted
most of the beauties are still complete idiots, although I have noticed one
or two of them might not be totally brain dead. They had to learn about rocket
science whish was a lost cause, well for most of them anyway. The geeks however
are still absolute geeks with no signs of change. This week they had to pick
out fashionable clothes for their hot ladies. In the swimsuit section not on
picked out a thong. Very disappointing nerds! I think the geeks did a worse
job learning about fashion then the hotties did about rocket science.

The best thing about the show this week was I watched it with my dad whose
endless smart ass jokes about the show he did not want to watch were funnier
then the actual show. I wish I could remember them!

Here are a few pictures of Lauren apparently she was in the lingerie bowl.
If anyone else knows when to get some pictures of the beautys let me
know. Thanks!

Blog Quote:

I am going to leave with a quote form my pops which I always thought
was inspiring.

I would not kick her out of bed unless it was to fuck her on the

Yeah, my pops is a true man of words.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Best post yet WTR.