Wednesday, September 28, 2005


So I took off the shoutbox and added the sitemeter counter back on. Damn popups just got to annoying. Also, I added a new link to Lap Dancing fan. Pretty good stuff check it out. If you link to me and I haven't returned the favor let me know.

Edit: Made some other changes which you can probably tell. No friends at the top just links on the side. This will eliminate some picture files and make you load quicker. "That's what she said" for those of you who watch the Office. Updated WTR wallpaper to our current girls. The blog looks a little plain right now to me. So more updates may be coming.


Anonymous said...

Hey, I finally posted an rocks! Check it out!

DanceFan said...

Thanks for the link!

DanceFan said...

By the way, Big D, do you have an email address? I have some information for you to answer a question that you left on my blog. Write me at

Big D said...
