Friday, September 02, 2005

GOTD: The Dahm Triplets

Let's make this friday a special threesome wih the Dahm triplets. I know your asking yourself why did he fade out their asses and blur them? Because... I'm a bastard.


Anonymous said...

Must be something in the air... My barber just mentioned these girls out of the blue yesterday. Whatever happened to them, anyway? They did Playboy like five years ago, and that was it; pretty much flash-in-the-pan.

:P fuzzbox said...

So Dr. Phil's daughter-in-law and her sisters. Wicked awesome but a pox upon you for caving to the censorship nazis.

Jaime said...

weren't they heffner's girlfriends at the same time? i remember that old bastard having three girlfriends at a time.

Anonymous said...

yes you are a bastard
but nice choice

Big D said...

The only other thing I know that they've done is one of them is on the rejuvante my house with DR. Phil's spwan and like fuzz said He is going to marry her. Hefs girlfriends at that time were The Bentley twins and Brande Roderick.

Phred said...

I am not suggesting anything. The last time I showed a preference.. it caused a bunch of shit.
Big D, I trust your judgment and taste , so far alot of excellent choices.

Anonymous said...

and in fantastic fashion Big D posted these girls for me.....
why have two when you can have three.....

Big D said...

Again R Martini your love for blondes is well known.

Big D said...

Thankl you Phred, but Don't let Crazy Dan scare you. For some reason he loves to give you shit.