Tuesday, August 23, 2005


As the time for exodus approached I made my way through the deserted streets to meet with the Dwarf :P fuzzbox. The old tales of the Dwarfen rebel are known throughout the land and it was his assistance that would be needed to obtain the Metal God's Helmet of Salvation. At his dwelling I found the Dwarfen Warrior bored with the simple life that seemed to plague him. The Dwarf was getting old and he knew that it was only a matter of years before times cruel hand put a stop to his adventuring days. I explained to him the journey that I was undertaking and of the enemies that awaited my arrival. It was because of this that he was more then willing to accompany on my quest. For he to had dealings with the serpent creatures throughout his life and told me many tales of his brave comrades that were seduced and fell before them. It was through his mighty battle axe alone that was able to keep the evil taint away. He said that he would need to visit his throne room to polish his axe and squeeze a mean one and thats where he would come up with a plan. When the run had reached its zenith :P Fuzzbox returned with a clever plan and told me a way to retrieve the Helmet without the enemy becoming suspicious. So after gathering his family we set out on our long journey to the Cave of Disturbed. As brilliant as his plan sounded I could not decided which would be more dangerous the Minions of the Brainkin or that of the Dwarfs hellish family. Of the great demons in this world, the one most feared in my small village would be that of the Angry Joyce. I was afraid of mentioning her for when she reads this and finds her name misspelled a torrent of fire will erupt from her mouth in her attempt to burn me alive. Nevertheless, :P Fuzzbox and his family agreed to follow me to the Cave of Disturbed.
Once entering the Cave I discovered that the Minions of the Brainkin were everywhere and masses of warriors were succombing to these whorish beasts. These serpents were truly cunning for they masked their true appearance with skill not of this Earth. It was only through the Sandals of Peace that I was able to calm my mind and see past the illusion. :P Fuzzbox just laughed and stared exclaiming that these demons were merely younglings learning their talents and that the plan he had set forth was more then capable of success. I suppose living with a demon makes you more resilient or maybe he could not see what I saw; the hungry eyes of the Brainkin and her minions were marking me. I felt as good as dead.


Big D said...

You story is great and no comment can I make to exclaim it's radiance.

:P fuzzbox said...

The blade is sharp and the shaft is stiff. The game is afoot.

Anonymous said...

Crazy Dan.....your stories are starting to bore me. After the first sentence you could just say.....yada, yada, yada or blah, blah, blah.

Now Big D's pictures are where you need to go......