Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Thanks for Nothing ya Dildo

Well Phred here at West Texas Rocks we aim to please and since for some reason you did not like the girl of the day because of some homosexual fantasy of yours. Here is your requets that has been granted to everyone else Ia m sorry Phred wanted to see some titties so on the count of three..... 1....2...3... THANKS PHRED.


Anonymous said...

Man boobs, damn phred your a bastard

Big D said...


Anonymous said...

oh-my-word..... that is fhilarious

a random visitor

Anonymous said...

STOP IT! THEIR HIDEOUS! WHY? WHY? WHY? Hang on....I'm going to blow chunks......

I don't remember eating that for lunch?

Jaime said...

those are man-boobs right? you know, i was hungry . . . but suddenly . . i don't want to eat anything ever again

Big D said...

You sure you don't want a nice, cool, refreshing glass of man breast milk.

Phred said...

Man boobs...All I said was I could not see the tits on the cheerleader. Everyone...I am sorry I was even remotely responsible for this abuse of the finer arts. There oughta be a law.. YUK !!!! Damn..YUK!!

:P fuzzbox said...

That has to be the funniest damn thing that I have ever seen. It is truly a sick world. And those are truly sick man boobs. Are they a self-portrait?

Anonymous said...

That is damn funny! I had to look away in disgust at first, then just laughed my ass off...

Big D said...

What can I say Phred, It's Crazy Dan and for some reason your post gave him a crazy idea. A funny, sick, disturbing, and well talked about idea.

Crazy Dan said...

Damnit Fuzz you know thats a self portrait your the one that sucked on my nipples making them so hard and erect..... not to mention making something else hard and erect and slurping on it. You love the taste of a man. HOOGAHH !!

:P fuzzbox said...

Go ahead and vent Dan. I understand the need for salve on that burn.

Crazy Dan said...

lol. burn that was no burn, If thats the best ya got then your really slippling old man.

Phred said...

Paul T. said he would do her...

ShellBug526 said...

For lack of any other words, WOW...

Anonymous said...

What the hell is that??? I'll admit...the man boobies are awesome, but what is wrong w/his nipples. They look like mine did affer I had the breast pump on them for an hour.